Thursday, May 25th was the annual Writer’s and Illustrators of the Future awards ceremony.  It marked the 40th year of the writer’s award and the 35th year of the illustrator’s award.  Unlike a previous year, I didn’t know any of …

Writers and Illustrators of the Future Read more »

Tony N. Todaro Yesterday the GLAWS monthly event was a memorial for its President and Co-Founder, Tony N. Todaro.  It was held at the Venice Pubic Library to a packed room. There were several speakers, starting with the host of …

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Well, GLAWS never really went away, but it has been struggling since it’s president and cofounder, Tony Todaro, had a stroke and later passed away in December.  Tony was a one-man show.  His passion was writing and helping other writers …

The Return of GLAWS Read more »

This is a blog I wish I didn’t have to write.  The writing community lost a dear friend this week.  Tony N. Todaro, cofounder and president of the Greater Los Angeles Writers Society passed away this past Tuesday, December 12th, …

Saying Goodbye Read more »