2024 GOALS

The Big Picture: What I really want is to be a published author. To that end, the first three goals are about writing. Once, I get my first book published, I need to follow it up with my second book. I write everything as a screenplay first. I already have the second screenplay of my steampunk trilogy written, now I have to novelize it. Then, onto my third screenplay.
So I guess my overall goal for this year is to write a new novel and a new screenplay. Once I’m able to leave my day job or retire, I intend to at least double that.
I also have personal goals like losing weight, trying new recipes, doing more reading and giving blood.
- Finish rewrites, get novel up to about 80,000 words.
- Update first steampunk screenplay based on changes to first novel.
- Save up for an editor.
- Make changes based on editor’s notes.
- Acquire a literary agent.
- Get published.
- Go over second steampunk screenplay. It’s been a while since I set it down. Time to see if I can streamline it any further. I’ve also already gone through the screenplay and decided where the chapter breaks are going to be.
- Write Chapter One
- Write Chapter Two
- Write Chapter Three
- Write Chapter Four
- Write Chapter Five
- Write Chapter Six
- Write Chapter Seven
- Write Chapter Eight
- Write Chapter Nine
- Write Chapter Ten
- Write Chapter Eleven
- Write Chapter Twelve
- Write Chapter Thirteen
- Write Chapter Fourteen
- Write Chapter Fifteen
- Write Chapter Sixteen
- Write Chapter Seventeen
- Write Chapter Eighteen
- Write Chapter Nineteen
- Go over second steampunk screenplay. It’s been a while since I set it down. Time to see if I can streamline it any further. I’ve also already gone through the screenplay and decided where the chapter breaks are going to be.
- Start submitting novel to my critique group.
- START WRITING MY THIRD STEAMPUNK SCREENPLAY: Actually, I already have the first 36 pages done.
- Start on my “String of Pearls” – that’s a whole other blog – and I have covered it.
- Put those pearls in an outline. I’ve never been one for an outline, other than in my head, but maybe it will help me write the screenplay faster like having the screenplay helps me write the novel faster. This is something new I want to try.
- Start filling out the screenplay.
- Finish the first draft. This may sound obvious, but it’s a big deal to actually finish a project, even if it is the first (vomit) draft.
- READ BOOKS: I did pretty good on this last year, reducing my 17.5” stack of unread books down to 4”, and keeping up on my comic books. This year I’m going to keep it simple. A book a month, plus keep up on my comic books. I’ve already started my first book, “Filmed in Supermarionation, a history of the Future”, then I have some Star Wars books lined up.
- Read a book in January:
- Read a book in February:
- Read a book in March:
- Read a book in April:
- Read a book in May:
- Read a book in June:
- Read a book in July:
- Read a book in August:
- Read a book in September:
- Read a book in October:
- Read a book in November:
- Read a book in December:
- READ MY BIBLE: Every year my church encourages us to read the Bible in a year. I have not done well in the last two years. I have to make this a priority this year. So instead of starting over, I going to pick up where I left off last year. It may take me three years, but I will read through the Bible.
- Keeping up with January’s reading:
- Keeping up with February’s reading:
- Keeping up with March’s reading:
- Keeping up with April’s reading:
- Keeping up with May’s reading:
- Keeping up with June’s reading:
- Keeping up with July’s reading:
- Keeping up with August’s reading:
- Keeping up with September’s reading:
- Keeping up with October’s reading:
- Keeping up with November’s reading:
- Keeping up with December’s reading:
- TRY SIX NEW COOKIE RECIPES: For several years, I hadn’t tried many new recipes, and I do like to cook. So, for the last two years I’ve made it my goal to try twelve 12 new recipes. Last year I tried 42. Now that I’m back in the habit, I can’t help myself. I keep seeing new recipes in the various Facebook groups I follow, but I only experiment with new cookies at Christmas time. I want to try new cookies before I make them for friends, so, I want to try six new cookies before Christmas this year.
- Try a new cookie:
- Try a second new cookie:
- Try a third new cookie:
- Try a fourth new cookie:
- Try a fifth new cookie:
- Try a sixth new cookie:
- GET DOWN TO 185 POUNDS: Last year my goal was to get down to 190 pounds. I didn’t quite make it, but I did get down to 193.4. Considering I started the year at 202.8, that’s almost ten pounds – 9.4 to be exact. So, let’s try for another 8.4 pounds – that’s less than a pound a month.
- Down to 192.7 by end of January:
- Down to 192.0 by end of February: Gotta watch out for those Girl Scout Cookies.
- Down to 191.3 by end of March:
- Down to 190.6 by end of April:
- Down to 189.9 by end of May:
- Down to 198.2 by end of June:
- Down to 188.5 by end of July:
- Down to 187.8 by end of August:
- Down to 187.1 by end of September:
- Down to 186.4 by end of October:
- Down to 185.7 by end of Nonember:
- Down to 185.0 by end of December:
- MAKE SIX BLOOD DONATIONS: Did it last year, let’s do it again this year.
- First blood donation:
- Second blood donation:
- Third blood donation:
- Fourth blood donation:
- Fifth blood donation:
- Sixth blood donation:
- CREATE AND PRINT BUSINESS CARDS: I want to have these by the time the West Coast Writers Conferences have their next in-person conference – or when my first book is published. So, the timeline for this is uncertain, but certainly by the end of the year. There are a couple of steps to it:
- Take a new headshot.
- Get a QR code for my website.
- Design the card.
- Have cards printed.
- JUST A BUNCH OF LITTLE THINGS TO DO: Finally, there is always a bunch of little things that I mean to get to, but I never do. So, I’m putting them out here. If I do half of them, I’ll call it a win.
- Reorganize bookshelf to my left.
- Reorganize bookshelf to my right.
- Reorganize the three bookshelves in the living room.
- Find our candy molds in our storage unit – hopefully before Christmas.
- Finish all the exercises in the “Your Goal Guide” book.
- Buy a new suit, I will need it when my book is published.
- Make a video for my blog. I’d like to add videos, maybe a YouTube channel eventually.
198th blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 76,017 words. <– Past 76,000. Goal: 80,000.
Second Steampunk novel: 783 words.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
“Dennis may have stopped counting, but he didn’t stop cooking. Yesterday’s new recipe was Momma’s Easy no Yeast Dinner Rolls. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02U1FKuHzY2NwbPKrskZWKub7ph2SQxipRbrdQkva5zxcuMzQhWzAuwc96Mzu54tuDl&id=100094750009584
They didn’t come out as pretty as the picture, but that can be worked on. They did taste good, though, and the were the first dinner rolls Dennis made using mayonnaise as an ingredient. It worked.
And tonight’s entre was The BEST Taco Pasta. https://www.facebook.com/EasyRecipesForFamily/posts/pfbid0iaXqfkhhzoUrimvFDsGfrPoLPH7J61HgS9h3f8CbomzhefJ9xrroRqXRtYAGz24Rl
“The BEST” is a bit of a stretch. It was good, but a bit plain. Could use a little more kick. Perhaps double the red pepper flakes. I would put this down as a work-in-progress.” – Vincent Reinhart.
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