When Opportunity Knocks… at Your Storage Unit
One of my goals this year is to purge out our storage unit to try to move into a storage space half its size and save money. It’s number 6 in my Just a bunch of little things to do. …
One of my goals this year is to purge out our storage unit to try to move into a storage space half its size and save money. It’s number 6 in my Just a bunch of little things to do. …
“To know thyself is to be a true Master of the Universe.” – The Enchantress, Netflix’s 2021 “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”. After setting goals and posting them on my blog for four years, I know that I …
2024 marks the fourth year I’ve been setting my goals and I have to admit, this was not my best year. In fact, I slacked on a lot of things. My reading goals, my writing goals, I even gained weight …
2024 GOALS – Fourth Quarter (the expurgated version) Read more »
The Big Picture: What I really want is to be a published author. To that end, the first three goals are about writing. Once, I get my first book published, I need to follow it up with my second book. …
Wow, that went by fast. Some goals I did great in, some not so hot. Some I didn’t complete and it was my fault, and some I had challenges I could not overcome. So, let’s see how I did… SECOND …
As of Thursday, Kris was back on solid food. She celebrated her newfound food freedom with Kraft Deluxe Mac & Cheese for lunch. The next day, a new recipe: Taco Bell Enchiritos (Improved) – see Vincent’s review at the bottom. …
I’ve been a One Piece fan for years. Maybe not as long as it has been around, it has over 1,050 episodes, but at least for twelve or thirteen years when it started airing on Cartoon Network’s Toonami block. Kris …
We’re halfway through the year and it’s time to see how I’m doing on my goals. Below is my full list, but let’s do a quick overview first. WRITING: Goals 1 – 3. This is a bit tricky to determine …
It’s the end of the first quarter of the year and time to see how I’m doing on my goals. SECOND STEAMPUNK SCREENPLAY: Finish editing through it: It stands at 163 pages at the moment. I’d like to get it …
New year, time for new goals. Taking from what I learned last year, I’m trying to make more realistic goals, breaking them down into smaller sub-goals, and keeping in mind that discipline will be a key to some of these. …