A Short Time Ago, in a Dairy Farm not that Far Away

A Short Time Ago, in a Dairy Farm not that Far Away

A few months ago, Tru Moo announced that it would be coming out with a Star Wars blue milk product.  Yes, now you can start your day with a Tatooine breakfast.  Being the experimental cook and Star Wars fan he is, Dennis had to try it.  But sadly, he could not find it anywhere.

Then, quite by accident, Kris found it in a local Smart & Final, and so the experimenting began.  To begin with, the milk is slightly thicker than whole milk and has a slight vanilla flavor.  Not bad at all, actually.  In fact, Dennis and Kris had to try it with another Star Wars tie-in…


Dennis’ first experiment was pancakes, or Tatooine pancakes as he calls them.  As Dennis explained in the video, because pancakes already have vanilla in them, the blue mike does not affect the flavor.  But because the milk is thicker, he did have to use a little more to get the right consistency.

Side note:  Dennis makes his pancakes from scratch.  https://kitchenfunwithmy3sons.com/fluffy-pancakes/?fbclid=IwAR2mTrQb4RHYUtQP9DvDA4aad_q2IuuEqa1DZoObQ58IUpz8zmIBjMnvBcw  In Dennis’ words, “If Pearl Milling can forget Aunt Jamima, I can forget Pearl Milling.”

The next experiment was Tatooine (French) toast. 

No written recipe here, Dennis just knows it by heart.  One egg, ¼ cup milk and one teaspoon of vanilla.  Then sprinkle cinnamon on the mixture before dipping the bread in it.  Then just multiply it out to however much you need.  For our Sunday breakfast, Dennis doubled it.

And finally, homemade Tatooine waffles https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20513/classic-waffles/

Again, no difference in taste, just presentation.  Dennis did try one other thing, vanilla pudding.  Because of the yellow of the pudding and the blue of the milk, the pudding came out green.  It shows up better in the video than in the pictures.

Alas, the blue milk was out for a limited time only – and hard to find at that.  I wonder what other Star Wars tie-ins Tru Moo might try in the future.

Oh, my…

  • Vincent Reinhart


224th blog completed.

First Steampunk novel:  76,865 words.  ß Past 76,000.  Goal:  80,000.

Second Steampunk novel: 783 words. 

Second Steampunk screenplay:  157 pages.

First Steampunk screenplay:  Need to update with notes from the novelization.

Third Steampunk screenplay:  38 pages.

Hmmm…  What is wrong with this picture?

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