As of Thursday, Kris was back on solid food.  She celebrated her newfound food freedom with Kraft Deluxe Mac & Cheese for lunch.  The next day, a new recipe:  Taco Bell Enchiritos (Improved) – see Vincent’s review at the bottom. …

Kris Continues to Improve, and… GOALS!!!!! Read more »

This blog is going to be short. I’ve been at the Digital Authors and Indie Publishing virtual conference all weekend, and it will continue throughout the week in the evenings.  Here are some of the highlights so far: Sat. 10:00am …

Digitally Tired Read more »

My education as a writer continues with the California Creative Writer’s Conference   this weekend and through the week.  This conference, like the last, is virtually done via Zoom.  So far there have been two full days of panels, …

Back to school Read more »