Comic Con Revolution 2024 Part Two:  Sunday. May 19th – day two at the con.  We got there around 10:00 am and headed straight for the line to get the wrist bands to stand in line for the, “The Clone …

Comic Con Revolution 2024 Part Two: Sunday Read more »

We spent the weekend of May 18th and 19th in Ontario for our new favorite convention, Comic Con Revolution.  This was its 7th year, and for a fairly new con, it had an impressive lineup of guests.  The con is …

Comic Con Revolution 2024 Part One: Saturday Read more »

We’re back from Gallifrey One.  It’s late.  We’re tired.  Details to follow next week. Dennis   203rd blog completed – sort of. First Steampunk novel:  76,313 words.  ß Past 76,000.  Goal:  80,000. Second Steampunk novel: 783 words.  Second Steampunk screenplay:  …

Gallifrey One Read more »

Hard to believe we’ve got less than a week to go.  Kris and I are still getting ready for the Blood Drive and the Ice Cream Social.  You can still come and join us by going here: Or better …

Loscon is Almost Here Read more »