Comic Con Revolution 2024 Part Two:  Sunday. May 19th – day two at the con.  We got there around 10:00 am and headed straight for the line to get the wrist bands to stand in line for the, “The Clone …

Comic Con Revolution 2024 Part Two: Sunday Read more »

We spent the weekend of May 18th and 19th in Ontario for our new favorite convention, Comic Con Revolution.  This was its 7th year, and for a fairly new con, it had an impressive lineup of guests.  The con is …

Comic Con Revolution 2024 Part One: Saturday Read more »

Until our niece, Annie in Riverside told us about it, we had never heard of Comic Con Revolution in Ontario, California.  It was held last weekend, May 20th and 21st.  For a con I had never heard of, in …

We joined the Revolution Read more »