2205 Goals

2205 Goals

“To know thyself is to be a true Master of the Universe.” – The Enchantress, Netflix’s 2021 “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”.

After setting goals and posting them on my blog for four years, I know that I slacked off in 2024.  I achieved only four and a half goals out of ten goals.  So, I know myself to be a slacker, but I don’t want to be a slacker.

The goal is not to find yourself, but to create yourself.” – A coffee mug at work. 

I want to be the better me, the more productive me I have been in years past.  And to continue to grow and improve beyond what I have been.  That’s part of why I put up my goals on my blog.  Not just for myself, but to make myself accountable to anyone who reads it.

“Believe in yourself, even if no one else believes in you.” – Sasquatch.  From an inspirational poster.

I believe I can achieve my goals.  I want to achieve my goals.  I want to write full time.  I want to leave my day job and write full-time or retire and write full-time – either works for me.  I want to get someone to pay me to play make believe with my imaginary friends all day.  But I have to be focused, I have to be dedicated, and that’s where I faltered last year.

New year, new beginnings.   Here are my goals for 2025 in a more concise format because WordPress doesn’t like bullet points.

Get publishes:  My first steampunk novel is as done as I can get it, but there are still a few steps to go.  1) Update the screenplay it’s based on – I write everything as a screenplay first.  2) Save up for an editor.  3) Get an editor.  4) Make changes based on editor’s notes.  5) Acquire a literary agent.

Write second steampunk novel:  I’ve already written the screenplay.  My critique groups have read it and it does need some editing.  So, do the editing first.  I’ve already gone through the screenplay and have decided where the chapter breaks are going to be.  And it looks like there will be 19 chapters.  If I can do a chapter every three weeks, I should be done by the end of the year.  And of course, submit them to my critique groups as I go along.

Start writing the third steampunk screenplay:  It is a trilogy.  I’ve never been one for an outline.  I’m a string-of-pearls writer, which technically is a form of an outline.  But maybe writing out an outline would help me write the screenplay faster, much like the screenplay helps me write out the novel faster.  It’s a method I want to try.  If I can end the year with an outline for the third screenplay, that would be a win.

Read a book a month:  I just about stopped reading because I was devoting all my time to writing.  But as a writer, you should read – especially in your genre.  For two years I a read a book a month, then last year I only read eight.  So, I want to get back to 12 books a year.

Read my Bible:  Every year my church has a read-through-the-bible program.  By March or April, I start falling behind.  Then I get so far behind that it becomes overwhelming to catch up, and I stop.  I’m going to change my schedule around and see if it helps me this year.

Try six new cookie recipes:  I wanted to do this last year, but didn’t try a single new cookie.  I want to try new cookies before I make them for Christmas so I know if they’re good.  Let’s try this again.

Get down to 185 pounds:  I have lost a pound a month before, but last year I really blew it.  I went from 193.4 at the end of 2023 to 199.6 at the end of 2024.  This year, I’ll have to lose 1.2 pounds a month to reach my goal.  I have to be more disciplined and stop going for seconds.

Make six blood donations:  Did it last year, will do it again this year.

Have business cards made:  Wanted to do this last year, but didn’t.  It would be nice to have them for in-person conferences, but I probably won’t really need them until I get published.  There are a few steps to this:  1) Take a new head shot.  2) Get a QR code for my website.  3) Design the card. 

Just a bunch of little things to do:  There are always a bunch of little things you want to do, but don’t find the time for because they are not big things.  Last year I completed two out of seven.  If I get to half of them, I’ll call it a win.  1) Reorganize bookshelf on my left – again.  2) Reorganize bookshelf on my right.  3) Reorganize the three bookshelves in the living room.  4) Reorganize the six draws in my desk.  5) Find our candy molds in our storage unit.  6) Purge out storage unit to try to move to a storage space half its size and save money.  7) Finish at least twelve of the exercises in the “Your Goal Guide” book.  8) Buy a new suit. I will need it when my book is published



251st blog completed.

First Steampunk novel:  77,546 words.  Completed until editor reviews it.

Second Steampunk novel: 783 words. 

Second Steampunk screenplay:  157 pages.

First Steampunk screenplay:  Need to update with notes from the novelization.

Third Steampunk screenplay:  38 pages.

“Dennis started the New Year with a bang by making Honey Garlic Sticky Ribs  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02m3nfwp4kNYPmu2We2cRvdkyXrazXgmRuaQcrMjnii6siqkdxqEjuyDK8PrYqZiKl&id=1773350804  for New Years Day dinner.  Easy recipe to make.  Just one note.  The recipe doesn’t say to baste the ribs with barbeque sauce every time you turn them, but it was mentioned in the comments.  Five pound of pork spareribs from Costco was $15.00, so this is not going to break your budget.  And there is actually very little rib compared to the amount of meat on each.  Dennis turned this…

Into this…

Five pounds was eight ribs in total.  So there was dinner and plenty of leftovers for later.  Definitely a winner!” – Vincent Reinhart

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