When Opportunity Knocks… at Your Storage Unit

When Opportunity Knocks… at Your Storage Unit

One of my goals this year is to purge out our storage unit to try to move into a storage space half its size and save money.  It’s number 6 in my Just a bunch of little things to do.  Yesterday, Kris and I went to our storage unit to start seeing what we could purge.  When Kris went to use the restroom, she ran into the office manager who was showing a new customer some units. Kris started talking to the woman about how the rents on our 10’x10’ spaces about to go up. Later, the office manager came to our unit while we were working and mentioned that was one 10’x7.5’ unit available for $88.00 less a month.

I didn’t even know there were 10’x7.5’ spaces!  I thought the next size down was 10’x5’.  I doubted we could cut our space in half, but buy 25%, I think we can do.  The guy said he could reserve the unit for us for two weeks, which brings us to February 1st.  And we would have to move out of our old space by February 10th or pay for a full month. 

So now we are going to spend the next two weekends going through EVERYTHING in our storage unit – which is not a little thing to do.  We are both fan collectors, we have a lot of stuff.  Plus, Kris is a costumer, a beader, a rubber stamper and she has a bunch of other craft supplies.  I can’t complain because I have my Lego, my collectable card games and my college books and films. 

This is about 90 copy paper boxes we went through today.

Of course it’s cool to find some gems.   This was my name badge from when I worked in a toy store back in the mid 80s.

And here is a “Logan’s Run” lifeclock.  Hmm… I guess I’m not as old as I thought.

Oh my gosh!  My dad was a Jedi!

Actually, that’s the hilt of a Graflex photo flasher.  My dad loved photography and his brother was a professional photographer, so he was able to get my dad professional equipment at discount costs.  A Graflex was used as Luke Skywalker’s original lightsaber, so you could say it’s authentic.

Next weekend we’ll be back at our unit.  I hope to find more gems like these.



252nd blog completed.

First Steampunk novel:  77,546 words.  Completed until editor reviews it.

Second Steampunk novel: 783 words. 

Second Steampunk screenplay:  157 pages.

First Steampunk screenplay:  Need to update with notes from the novelization.

Third Steampunk screenplay:  38 pages.

“Dennis is two for two so far this year.  Last week’s new recipe was Hamburger Casserole.  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid022BLpF7cM1Rc156xnbWhEKVmnzhFjR9AHTTBPsZebYAxinALtsMTGtpbViZ9rKoiLl&id=61558813376869

This smelled so good coming out of the oven, it was an instant hit.  I get the feeling this is going to be the Year of the Casserole.  Last year, Dennis collected a lot of Mac and Cheese recipes, but lately he’s been collecting a lot of casserole recipes.  I won’t mind if they’re all winners like this.”  – Vincent Reinhart.

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