What Have I Been Doing With All This Extra Time.
Sometimes I just like to have fun and play one of my favorite refrigerator games, “Name That Leftover”. But you can really only play it once a month. Or every two months. Three or more months gets really challenging.
And there are card games like Flux. Monty Python Flux is the best. I’m a big Dr. Who fan an I have Dr. Who Flux. Monty Python Flux is still best. Hopefully you’re a Monty Python fan because you might have to sing a Python song every turn or speak with an outrageous accent.
Actually, I don’t have that much extra time because my day job is with a critical business, so it’s only the weekends. You may have noticed that I have been working on my Facebook page and this blog. Up until three weeks ago, I hadn’t worked on my website since 2018, now this is three weeks in a row. I hope to keep this up every week.
Sometimes I’ll write serious stuff like, “What if we had just called it the flu all along?” or fun stuff like this article and “The Best Convention You’ll Never Attend”. And of course, I’ll be blogging on my writing. Right now, I’m novelizing my steampunk screenplay (first in a trilogy) and I’m at 6224 words. A science fiction author’s first novel should be around 100,000 words. This gets into the cost of printing your book and shipping it to bookstores. That’s a topic for a future article.
It’s easy to get distracted or lazy when you’re writing alone, so it’s good to have someone to be accountable to. That’s one of the functions of a critique group. Here’s another way I can do that. I’ll put down my progress at the end of each of these articles. That way, all of you can keep me accountable.
During this time of shut down, I’m also partaking in the restructuring and expansion of certain aspects of the Greater Los Angeles Writer’s Society. More on that as things solidify.
One of the best ways to keep from worrying is to keep busy. So keep busy, be productive and stay creative.
Dennis Amador Cherry
3rd article completed.
First steampunk novel: 6224 words.
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