What a Week I’m Having

Its been a busy week, but a great week. The West Coast Writers Conference was not only the weekend of Friday, August 7th through Sunday, August 9th, but went through the entire following week and ended Saturday, August 15th. That’s a lot of notes I took and will be reviewing. I was so tired at the end of it I even missed church this morning.
There was a lot to be learned. Topics included Screenwriting, how to close the deal, funding your book on Kickstarter, the business of writing, twelve questions you should ask yourself before submitting your work to a publisher or agent, what is an author’s platform and the differences between self-publishing, indi publishing and traditional publishing.
These conferences cover more than just improving your writing skills, they include all the other things writers have to do and consider in order to improve their chances of being successful. Gone are the days you can send you manuscript into a publisher and start working on your next book. That’s why these conferences are so important.
The next one will be Indi Publishing/Boot Camp Extreme in early November. The first weekend in November, if I’m correct. Most likely the same virtual format. I’ll post the details as I get them.
As I expected, I didn’t get any writing done. Back to it tomorrow.
Dennis Amador Cherry
22nd article completed.
First Steampunk novel: 51,555 words – its looking like it will be about 80,000 words.
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