GLAWS Rewrites Itself

The Greater Los Angeles Writers Society is an active group. We have critique groups that meet once or twice a month, depending on the group, we have monthly Special Speaker Events that are open to the public and we, along with West Coast Writer’s Conference, host three conferences a year.
But during this time of shut-down, most of this has stopped. Some critique groups have taken a hiatus while others are meeting online. We’re hoping to have our first online Special Speaker Event soon using Zoom. Our next full conference will be August 7th – 9th. We are hopeful things will be back to normal by then. Check out the ad above.
Since a lot of our activities are on hold, we are taking this opportunity to do some reorganization. I, as Vice-President of GLAWS, am on a subcommittee to attract new members and to get past-due member to pay their yearly dues. One of the things we’ve decided is to not hold members accountable for late dues. We are just asking them to rejoin and we’ll restart their membership from that date.
We are also looking for a new home for our Special Speaker events. We have met at the Rancho Las Palms Library for ten years, but now we have lost that venue. We have some good possibilities, but haven’t finalized anything yet.
Up until now, to be in one of our critique groups you had to be in the Los Angeles area. But we have now realized we can have virtual critique groups via Zoom and other similar platforms for people outside the area or that can’t make it to a meeting. We are going to start promoting this as well as expand the number of critique groups in the LA area.
While we miss meeting in person, not being able to has made us discover new possibilities for GLAWS. What doesn’t kill you hunts you down with bigger weapons makes you stronger.
If you are an aspiring, active or accomplished writer (our three tracts of conference programming) you might want to check out the GLAWS website. Soon you won’t have to live in the Los Angeles area.
Dennis Amador Cherry
5th article completed
First steampunk novel: 8243 words.
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