Storage Unit Week Two

Storage Unit Week Two

Spent the weekend cleaning out our storage unit again.  We went through more of our candy molds.  We were afraid that after so many years, the plastic would have yellowed and be brittle, but they are still in good condition.  The mold on the right is for a 10” tall bride and groom.  We made this one as a center piece at our wedding.

I also discovered I have a lot of Lego sets I never had a chance to build.

And finally, first grade class pictures.  Can you guess which one is the Cherry?

Next week we are doing the actual move to our new smaller – and cheaper space.  I’m going to take Friday off to do it in three days.  This will take goals off my list.



253nd blog completed.

First Steampunk novel:  77,546 words.  Completed until editor reviews it.

Second Steampunk novel: 783 words. 

Second Steampunk screenplay:  157 pages.

First Steampunk screenplay:  Need to update with notes from the novelization.

Third Steampunk screenplay:  38 pages.

I discovered a new sports bar in my neighborhood…

Inside Whole Foods???

Wait, aren’t they about healthy living?

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