Oh, no, Here We Go!
Starting a new novel can be intimidating, but also exciting. And it’s one of my major goals of the year: Write a new novel and write a new screenplay. While I’m still working on trimming my second steampunk screenplay, it is at the point that I can novelize it.
Actually, I’m working from the next to last draft. That’s because in the novel I can put back in those deleted and shortened scenes. I still have to try to reach around 80,000 words, but with a 157-page screenplay and my experience writing the first novel, I think I can manage that. I’ve already gone through the screenplay and figured out where the chapter breaks will occur. And with that, I’ve set up my goal for writing it:
- START WRITING SECOND STEAMPUNK NOVEL: This I can do once I finish going through the second screenplay after my critique group reviews it.
- Break down screenplay into chapters.
- Write Chapter One by 2/19/23
- Write Chapter Two by 3/21/23
- Write Chapter Three by 3/16/23
- Write Chapter Four by 4/9/23
- Write Chapter Five by 4/23/23
- Write Chapter Six by 5/14/23
- Write Chapter Seven by 5/28/23
- Witte Chapter Eight by 6/11/23
- Write Chapter Nine by 6/25/23
- Write Chapter Ten by 7/9/23
- Write Chapter Eleven by 7/23/23
- Write Chapter Twelve by 8/6/23
- Write Chapter Thirteen by 8/20/23
- Write Chapter Fourteen by 9/3/23
- Write Chapter Fifteen by 9/17/23
- Write Chapter Sixteen by 10/1/23
- Write Chapter Seventeen by 10/15/23
- Write Chapter Eighteen by 10/28/23
- Write Chapter Nineteen by 11/12/23
Basically, I’ve given myself two weeks to write each chapter, with the exception of chapter three, which will be right in the middle of a writer’s conference that will take up two of my weekends. For that, I’ve given myself three weeks.
That looks like a lot of time, and won’t give me much of the rest of the year to write the third screenplay in the trilogy, but each chapter, on average, is about ten pages of script. And since I’m working from essentially a 157-page outline, it’s not like I have to work out the plot or character development. I suspect I can get it done faster, but this gives me some leeway.
All of this got me thinking, even if you are working from a standard outline, or if you are a (gasp!) pantser, you could still write out a novel in a year. Assume your novel is going to be about 80,000 words. If you write 1,000 words a day (about four novel pages) you could get your first draft done in three months. Or, if you can’t manage that, at 500 words a day, you could do it in six months. That would still give you six months to edit, do rewrites and have your critique group or beta readers go through it.
If its your goal to write a book, go for it! What’s stopping you?
150th blog completed.
Second Steampunk novel: 576 words. ß This is what I’m now concentrating on.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk novel: 73,675 words.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
And a new dessert: Whipped Hot Chocolate https://www.facebook.com/crayonsandcravings/photos/a.146647485545127/2082295625313627/?type=3&flite=scwspnss
“This is actually a beverage dessert to top off either hot or iced milk. Dennis modified it the be a dessert on its own. The recipe makes two servings. Dennis tripled it to make six ½ cup servings. Hint: Because it is now a dessert on its own, you don’t need the fourth ingredient of a cup of milk. Also, if you are using hot chocolate packets like Nestles, use six. It’s very rich like a mousse and the marshmallows are a nice touch.” – Vincent Reinhart
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