The Storage Unit Move is Done!

This may look like our old storage unit, but it’s packed tighter, literally to the rafters, better organized and saves us $88.00 a month. I was hoping to have this goal done by the end of the year, but the opportunity arose and we grabbed it. It took us three weekends of hard work and a bunch of nights sorting through boxes at home, but it’s done.
We came across a lot of interesting bits of our history. These were several of our Loscon Blood Drive flyers. The one in the lower center is my favorite. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Blood (Drive). I made a diorama with Lego. One side was an ancient temple and the other an American Red Cross Blood center. I cosplayed Johnny Thunder, a Lego Indiana Jone- type character before Lego acquired the rights to make Indiana Jones sets.
Some of the matting on our art work had fallen off, so Kris spent some time re-matting a lot of them. Our apartment has very little free wall space, otherwise, some of these would be coming home with us.
Kris also found some pictures of her father during his time in the Air Force during WW2. See any resemblance?
When we got married, I was working at Keye/Donna/Pearlstein Advertising Agency. Our biggest client was Suzuki. About a year into working there, the U.S. Government came out with a report saying the cars had a tendency to flip over. This sign was actually used in the commercials. After that report, I always hung it upside down. One of the ways Suzuki decided to fix the problem was to get another advertising agency. We lost half our business and the company eventually closed.
Going back to 1994, this was the original flyer for the U.S.S. Alliance’s party room at Baycon.
I have always been interested in the space program. Back in the 4th or 5th grade, I drew this poster for a science project.
All these memories are safely stored in our new unit. I don’t when I’ll be pulling them out again, but I know they’re there.
254th blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 77,546 words. Completed until editor reviews it.
Second Steampunk novel: 783 words.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
QUICK GOAL CHECK: Moved into a smaller storage unit, found candy molds, read a book this month and on target for losing 15 pounds this year. But spending three weekends moving storage units did set me back in my Bible reading and my writing. Haven’t written anything new this year. I have some catching up to do.
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