Meaty Meat Saturday

Every month my church, Calvary Bible Church of Burbank, holds a Men’s Breakfast. This month, we had a Men’s Barbeque instead.
It was held at one of our member’s homes in Burbank. It started out casual as the guys filtered in. Once we had a good size group, we played some games like corn hole, water balloon toss and ax throwing. Well, plastic ax throwing. Here in L.A., ax throwing has become a popular sport in bars – like darts.
Axes and alcohol, what could possibly go wrong?
We also had a tug o’ war, the winning side getting in line for the food first. We had ribs, baked beans and coleslaw. Of course, ribs get messy, so we had plenty of paper towels and hand wipes. One member found these hand wipes for manly men like us.
Also, note the manly table centerpieces.
We had a good turnout, about fifty guys or so. But like one of our members likes to remind us, it’s not about the food.
It’s about the fellowship of Christian men supporting each other, encouraging each other in our Christian walk, like iron sharping iron. One of our elders shared his testimony of how he became a Christian. Then one of our deacons shared a message about the importance of prayer.
A couple of years ago at a Men’s breakfast, a speaker mentioned it was important for men to have close relationships with other men. This is not only true in Christian circles, but in life in general. It’s important to have friends with similar points of view, someone you can confide in and share your problems with. It was then I thought two friends I had known since the fourth grade had both passed away. Paul, I had sort of lost contact with, but Charles and I tried to see each other about once a month.
I have another friend, Chris, whom I’ve known for about thirty years. But he and a more recent friend, Cliff, both moved to San Diego a number of years back.
I do have other friendships, but none that I have cultivated like those four. Working seriously on my writing is like having a second job. So, I’m grateful for events like these Men’s Breakfasts to keep me in contact with some of the friends I have.
Dennis Amador Cherry
118th blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 72,191 words.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 165 pages. ß My critique group will give me feedback on the first half in two weeks.
Second Steampunk novel: 0 words.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
Our outdoor habanero plant was getting eaten by something, so we brought home these ladies to help out.
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