Maybe I’m not such a coward after all.
Yesterday I went for my regular blood-letting at my local American Red Cross center in Woodland Hills. Actually, I was three weeks late. I usually give every eight weeks, the minimum time you have to wait between whole blood donations. But now the ARC is only taking appointments, no walk-ins, so I had to wait three weeks to get an appointment.
I guess the good news is that even with the shutdown, people are still giving blood. But there is still a need. As a Blood Drive Leader, I get emails from the Red Cross asking me to host another blood drive. But without any conventions coming up, I don’t have a venue to host one.
The above picture was actually taken at a previous donation. My wife usually goes with me to hold my hand and distract me while I donate so I don’t get light-headed (I’m such a coward). But for the time being, only donors are allowed in the building. I made it through okay. I’m now two donations away from my 12-gallon pin.
I’m O-Negative, the universal donor, which means my blood can be given to anyone. I’m also CMV (Cytomegalovirus) negative. CMV is a common virus that is harmless in most adults, but it can kill a baby. Being CMV negative means my blood can be given to infants.
In the picture, that’s Michelle in the background. She is regularly at the Woodland Hills center and she’s been at many of the blood drives my wife and I host at Loscon every year.
There’s always a need for blood, and I would encourage you to consider donating. Only 3% of eligible people do. You can find a Red Cross center or blood drive near you by going to and hit the red “MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT” button.
Dennis Amador Cherry
11th article completed.
First Steampunk novel: 15,350 words.
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