California Watermelon Festival

A week ago, I didn’t even know there was a watermelon festival. But a friend of ours, Frank, not only told us about it, but paid for our admission. Thank you, Frank!
This was out by Hansen Dam in Los Angeles. Not as big as the California Strawberry Festival that Kris and I have often attended, but still fun. Unfortunately, it didn’t have the cool sea breeze that the Strawberry Festival has, being in Oxnard, Ca. The temperature was in the mid-nineties.
This was one of the most popular vendors there.
One of the advantages this festival has over the Strawberry Festival is all the watermelon you can eat.
They don’t give you napkins, but they do have hand washing stations and plenty of shaded areas to sit and eat.
One of the first things you see is the watermelon carving contest. There were many creative entries.
There were also many classic and custom cars on display.
My favorite vendors to check out are on the food row.
They also had Italian Ice, which Kris really appreciated.
One vendor even had fresh Gak…
They also had a BMX demonstration.
And there was an artist that was painting murals throughout the day. These were two of my favorites.
A fun afternoon, even though it was hot. But they did have fans with water sprayers that cooled you down. It did make me miss the Strawberry Festival all the more. And someday I want to get up to the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
Dennis Amador Cherry
115th blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 72,191 words.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 171 pages. <– Went down by TWO pages! Alright, not much. But the second half is where I did most of my edits. And to tell you the truth, I subtract some lines, then I add some lines for clarity. Editing is not always just cutting down.
Second Steampunk novel: 0 words.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
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