New Home of Loscon

Last Saturday, August 17th, 2024, we had an on-site meeting of the Loscon Con Committee.
This was the first time most of us had been to the new hotel, the LAX Hilton. I have to say, the inside of the hotel is impressive. It has a grander feel than the old home of Loscon, the LAX Marriott.
With the open spaces in the lobby and in the corridors, it feels like it has the makings of a relaxacon.
The Hilton is only two doors down from the Marriott, so it’s not going to make any con-goers cringe at a longer drive, unlike the move from the Burbank Airport Hilton to the LAX Marriott 21 years ago.
Twenty-one years ago?!?! Has it really been that long? I still have fond memories of that hotel.
Despite its upper-class feel, the room rates for the convention were actually negotiated to be a dollar less than the Marriott. And unlike the Marriott, it has one eatery that is open 24 hours day. The food is still at hotel prices, but at least you can still get something to eat after getting out of the midnight showing of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
We weren’t able to get a full walk-through of all the meeting rooms. That will come next meeting. But we did get to see what will be the dealers’ room. I think there’s going to be plenty of space. I’m looking forward to hosting our blood drive here.
If you would like to join us for Loscon 50, check out their website.
231st blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 76,865 words. ß Past 76,000. Goal: 80,000.
Second Steampunk novel: 783 words.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
Could they make paying for parking any more confusing? Step two, step three… wait a minute, where’s step one? Oh, wait, “start here”. Wait, there’s two “start here”s. And you have to push to confirm. I got a headache.
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