Festival! Festival!

Festival! Festival!
No, I won’t be burning books, but I’ll be helping authors sell their books at the L. A. Times Festival of Books. https://www.facebook.com/latimesfob For specific information, check their website https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/
It’s been three years and GLAWS is glad to be back. I will be one of the co-chairs of the GLAWS booth. Along with my fellow co-chair, Leslie Ann Moore (who is also an author) I will be assisting the authors appearing at our booth with their setup, tear down and any needs such as electricity and pointing out where the bathrooms are. Our authors will be there to do readings from their books, meet festival attendees and sell and autograph their books. Here is the list of authors that will be at our booth:
Leslie and I, along with the rest of our volunteers, will also be doing crowd control to keep things running smoothly as well as guide visitors to our booth. If they are a reader, we will suggest one of our authors in the preferred genre they may enjoy speaking with. If they are a writer, we can take them around back where we can explain the benefits of being a member of GLAWS, answer any questions, and put them on our email list to get announcements of our upcoming events, many of which are free and open to the public.
The festival is more than just books. It’s music (we are near one of the main stages), art, speakers and demonstrations. And the books range from comic books to antique books.
If I can get away from my duties for a while, I hope to drop in and see some of the friends I’ve made through GLAWS. For example, Vice President of GLAWS, Nic Nelson of Wordsmith Writing Coaches. https://wordsmithwritingcoaches.com/our-team/ He should be easy to find – he’s across from our booth in booth 101.
I’d also like to visit Sheri Fink and her husband Derek Taylor Kent. http://www.whimsicalworldbooks.com./ I met Sheri Fink at a writer’s conference years ago. She told her inspiring story of how she left a successful job in corporate America to become a children’s author. Now both she and her husband are award-winning children’s authors.
And I’d like to visit Black Chateau https://www.blackchateauenterprises.com/ I’ve met several of their staff at conferences. They are a marketing and PR agency specializing in authors. I hope to be needing their services soon.
And if the GLAWS booth can spare me, I’d love to see this guy live. https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/schedule-2022/?eventId%5Bundefined%5D=ade0abfd-8d48-49e6-acf8-e0bf56d8135e Alton Brown, my favorite chef and food scientist.
It’s going to be a busy weekend. You may have to wait an additional week for a full report.
Dennis Amador Cherry
108th blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 72,191 words.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 174 pages.
Second Steampunk novel: 0 words.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
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