Part of a Complete Breakfast

Part of a Complete Breakfast

With the lockdown, especially here in California, church life has changed a lot.  We can’t meet indoors with anything over a hundred people.  But when you count in the pastor, the worship team and the tech crew, that leaves only about eighty people.  So the elders decided to hold the service outside in the parking lot.  We also have a live stream, which is how I attend.

But others activities have also been curtailed, such as the Men’s Breakfast, Munch and Mingle (lunch) and small group gatherings.  This past Sunday we had our first Men’s Breakfast – outside.

I volunteer on kitchen staff, so I was there at 6:00 am for the 8:00 am breakfast.  In addition to having to have the breakfast outside, we also couldn’t serve the food from trays.  Everything had to be prepackaged.  Everyone received a bag breakfast with plasticware, salsa, a cup of fruit and a foil-wrapped breakfast burrito.  We’re famous in the church for our breakfast burritos.  We also had individual bottles of orange juice and water instead of serving from pitchers.

We also had to wear masks and gloves throughout the whole cooking process.  I’m the egg guy, I scrambled a case of 150 eggs.  At times, we have used two cases of 150 eggs.  Then I helped make the burritos and bag the food.  Cleanup was at least faster.  Since we made less food, we cleaned up the kitchen after prep, and there was nothing coming back to the kitchen when the breakfast was over.

Pastor Tim Carns, who has recently moved to Ohio, was back and taught on being a leader by serving from John 21.  We had about 50 to 60 guys and a couple of new people, which is always nice to see.

If you’re looking for a bible-centered, non-denominational, Christian church, you can check out Calvary Bible Church in Burbank, California at .  Our live stream service start at 9:00 am every Sunday.


Dennis Amador Cherry

32nd article completed.

First Steampunk novel:  59,498 words.

I would have taken more pictures, but I was busy cooking.

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