My Wife’s Second Husband

Last week’s blog was sort of a non-blog. Too many things had happened that week, predominantly, the death of a close friend of ours, Frank J. Waller. He was a friend and also Kris’ caregiving client. So, we lost a friend and Kris lost her job. Two traumas for the price of one.
Kris covered her perspective on Frank and losing him on her Patreon page:
Frank was a big man. He could have been intimidating, but he wasn’t. He was a big, lovable teddy bear. We’d have him over for dinner and watch “Star Wars” shows on Disney +. If you’re familiar with “The Bad Batch”, you’re familiar with the character, Wrecker. He’s a munitions expert that can blow up anything – or just tear it apart with his bare hands. He’s a big kid at heart who likes to blow up things. Frank was our Wrecker.
Because of our friendship, Kris had a different camaraderie with him than with any previous caregiving client. And because of the closeness of their ages, they were often mistaken for husband and wife by people in doctor’s offices, pharmacies and restaurants. We started joking that Frank was Kris’ second husband, or work husband.
I didn’t mind, he was good competition. And, after all, I was still the #1 husband.
It’s getting easier, but we’re still getting over his loss. When you lose someone you’re close to, there’s no going back to normal. You have to find a new normal.
We’re not quite there yet.
175th blog (if you can call it that) completed.
First Steampunk novel: 74406 words. ß Past 74,000. Goal: 80,000.
Second Steampunk novel: 783 words.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
“Last Sunday morning, Dennis experimented with Classic Waffles.
Kris found the waffles a bit dense. But I do like a hearty, stick-to-your-ribs waffles. A little more milk in the recipe should bring it up to Kris’ taste. Dennis did half the recipe, since, as it was, it would have been too much for two humans and one fly. After this and homemade pancakes, there will be no going back to store-bought pancake mixes.
Yesterday’s experiment was One Pot Mexican Rice Casserole.
This was excellent! It has everything we love in it: meat, onions, rice, tomatoes, corn and lots of cheese. It’s become one of Kris’ (and my favorites) and easy to make. The corn cake Dennis made with it took longer to cook.” – Vincent Reinhart
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