I’m your substitute, Vincent Reinhart.

Dennis is not in this week. He and Kris are celebrating their 34th wedding anniversary weekend. Yesterday they spent the day at Comic Con Revolution in Ontario, California. Today they are at the California Strawberry Festival in Ventura, California. I’m sure Dennis will have a lot to say about both next week.
Both these day trips are very fitting for both of them. For years before they got married, Kris would regularly attend the Strawberry Festival, which is always held the weekend before Memorial Day Weekend. And after their wedding, the two of them spent many years attending the Festival together.
This year their wedding anniversary fell on a Sunday just as their wedding did 34 years ago. And the day before their wedding they also attended a convention, The L.A. Comic Book Convention. This was not L.A. Comic Con, which was started by Stan Lee and Elvira. This was a one-day con held monthly that started at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, then moved to the Shrine Auditorium near USC.
For a small con they had some impressive guests like Gene Roddenberry. During production of the second Batman film starring Michael Keaton, director Tim Burton took a break from editing to appear at the con. And one month, the con flew the two stars of “Forever Knight”, Geraint Wayne Davies and Nigel Bennet out from Canada.
Here, at the front of the line to get into the con on May 20th, 1989, is Kristine Johnson, third from the right. The next day she would be Kristine Cherry.
These were the guests that day from “Star Trek V”.
And here are two friends of Denis and Kris, Jennifer Cole and Terri Moore, who would then be at their wedding the next day.
Thanks to Dennis for allowing me to fill in.
Vincent Reinhart
164th blog completed.
Second Steampunk novel: 783 words. ß I guess I’ll be putting this on hold for a while.
First Steampunk novel: 73,675 words. ß Start watching this number.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
Word of advice: Don’t leave Amazon packages on your doorstep unattended. It makes them very grumpy.
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