60 Years of the Captain?

60 Years? How can that be? I remember when I was little, we lived in the city of Bell, California. One day we got a small box of cereal in the mail. You know, one of those boxes that come in nine or ten variety packs at the grocery store?
It was a box of Cap’n Crunch. I don’t remember what cereals I ate before then, but the Cap’n became my favorite.
My mom started getting it for me through grade school, junior high, high school and even college. As Production Manager of my senior film project at USC Cinema/Television, one of my functions was to provide lunch for the cast and crew. I always had a box of Cap’n Crunch to snack on – that and Chips Ahoy cookies (I just noticed a nautical theme, here).
Even now, though I do eat other cereals for a little variety, I always come back for the Cap’n.
“$1.99 each if you buy 5 or more” are great sales at Ralphs. I’m good for, like, the rest of the year.
I do miss his old commercials with the Cap’n crew, Smedly, The Fruitberry Beast and Jon LaFeet, the barefoot pirate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Xl-PlKwW4&list=PLuKKJ5FR6_i_6XvUpElmXo4lB_qaa8NwU If you go through them, I particularly remember the third one. You may also notice they were produced by Jay Ward. You’ll probably recognize some of the voices from “Rocky and Bullwinkle” cartoons.
Today’s “Crunchitize me, Cap’n” just isn’t the same.
But you can still find his crew on the back of the boxes even though they haven’t been in commercials in decades.
60 Years? How can that be?
Oh, yeah, I’m 63.
178th blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 75025 words. ß Past 75,000. Goal: 80,000.
Second Steampunk novel: 783 words.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
First habanero harvest of the year.
These are going into tonight’s Mango Habanero Chicken Chili. Not a new recipe, but one of our favorites. I always double it. https://www.cheaprecipeblog.com/wp-json/mv-create/v1/creations/163/print
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