Bleed, Bleed, Halloween already?

Bleed, Bleed, Halloween already?

Yesterday it was time to bleed.  Not because of some blood-sucking vampire like on that night’s Svengoolie, but because it’s been eight weeks since my last blood donation.  My schedule has been really tight lately.  I had to give today in order to be eligible to give at my own blood drive at Loscon on Thanksgiving weekend.

I go to the American Red Cross blood center in Woodland Hills.  Their Halloween decorations were already up.  This was the lobby as you walked in.

Some decorations were cute, like this inflatable Mini Mouse.

And then there were things like giant spiders…

And rats.  Oh, and blood splatters, very appropriate.

And tombstones…

And this guy remands me of portraits in Disney’s Hunted Mansion.

Now it’s only eight weeks to Thanksgiving and the Loscon Blood drive.  Time to start ramping up promotions on the Loscon website.  


236th blog completed.

First Steampunk novel:  76,865 words.  ß Past 76,000.  Goal:  80,000.

Second Steampunk novel: 783 words. 

Second Steampunk screenplay:  157 pages.

First Steampunk screenplay:  Need to update with notes from the novelization.

Third Steampunk screenplay:  38 pages.

This is how I Keep track of how far along I am towards my next gallon.  I save my name badges, and when I get eight, that’s a gallon.  I have six now, which means in January I’ll reach gallon 14.  One of the badges doesn’t have my name on it because they took me in so fast they didn’t even have a chance to give me a badge.  I asked for one on the way out.

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