What Am I Looking at Here?

What Am I Looking at Here?

I love my phone camera.  Even though it’s a G5 Android, it takes better pictures than the Kodak digital camera I bought at Costco years ago.  Kris’s newer phone is even better.  The only problem I have with it is that it’s hard to see the screen in bright sun light.

Take, for example, the close-up pictures I’ve been taking of dragonflies.

It’s hard enough to find a cooperative dragonfly, but when I do, if the sun is bright and behind me, I can’t see if the picture is coming out good.  I have to take some pictures the best I can, then find some shade to look at them.  So, I decided to come up with some kind of visor for my phone.  This was the first prototype.

The idea was to slip the phone in.

But it was rather complicated, so I came up with a simpler design.

That seemed to work better, so I made one with a black sheet of plastic that would be held to the phone with black electric tape.

This is how it worked.  It can be folded to fit in my pocket.

Then unfolded to use.

And here is the difference, without…

And with…

That lighter patch on the left tapering down to the right is there because I had to give room for Kris’ camera to take the picture.  But if my face is against it, the whole thing is clear.  I think I’m onto something, though it might take a little more tweaking.

I’ll let you know what I finally come up with.



228th blog completed.

First Steampunk novel:  76,865 words.  ß Past 76,000.  Goal:  80,000.

Second Steampunk novel: 783 words. 

Second Steampunk screenplay:  157 pages.

First Steampunk screenplay:  Need to update with notes from the novelization.

Third Steampunk screenplay:  38 pages.

“Dennis hasn’t done an Asian meal in a while, so this was a change.  Garlic Chicken Fried Rice, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1098091761236281/permalink/1162388774806579

This worked out quite well and was easy to make.  Could use a little more soy sauce, but that’s to each individual’s taste.  That’s why the soy sauce is left on the table.  The recipe calls for 2 chicken breasts, but the frozen breasts from Costco were so huge that Dennis decided to 1-1/2 times the recipe.  This worked out well for leftovers during the week.” – Vincent Reinhart

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