Win Some, Lose Some

Greetings fellow foodies, Vincent Reinhart here. I’m here because of an unusual event, a kitchen experiment that didn’t go so well. Actually, I don’t think this has ever happened since I became the Cherry’s food critic. Two weeks ago Dennis tried a new recipe, Philly Cheese Steak Casserole,
Dennis loves a good Philly Cheese Steak sandwich and his Philly Cheese Steak Pasta has always been a winner, so we had high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, this one turned out just okay.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not a total loser. If you like Philly Cheese Steak you may like this one a lot. But Dennis has so many other winning casserole recipes. However, Kris is not such a big fan and she is less of a fan of green peppers and this recipe calls for two. She says they taste like monkey crotch – which is a reference to the anime, “Shin Chan”. But how Shin knows what monkey crotch tastes like..? I don’t even want to know.
However, yesterday Dennis went to a meeting of the Star Trek fan club, the U.S.S. Angeles and for the pot luck, he made BEST Crockpot Mac and Cheese!
Oh my, oh my! That one lived up to its name! Kris has her favorite Mac and Cheese, Good Old Fashion Mac and Cheese Dennis enjoys that one a lot, but ever since he found it, he has been looking for a creamier Mac and Cheese. This one is his new favorite, even out doing his Taco Mac and Cheese with Rotel
There wasn’t much left from the pot luck, but I did get a chance to try it. Definitely his best Mac and Cheese so far.
- Vincent Reinhart
233rd blog completed.
First Steampunk novel: 76,865 words. <– Past 76,000. Goal: 80,000.
Second Steampunk novel: 783 words.
Second Steampunk screenplay: 157 pages.
First Steampunk screenplay: Need to update with notes from the novelization.
Third Steampunk screenplay: 38 pages.
Hmmm… so this is how you make a Stick-to-your-ribs dinner.
Somehow, I find that cheating.
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