Where You Write Becomes Your World

Still Chasing Dragonflies

Hello, it’s Kristine again. Dennis is getting a much-deserved break and gearing up for this coming week’s GLAWS Writer’s Conference, so I’m back with a more in-depth look at last week’s topic of The Natural Habitat of the Wild Writer. Actually, he better be careful or I’ll keep finding an excuse to write more of these. It’s nice to see him relax on a Sunday evening for once.

Now that the hard part is done

So hopefully by now you have found your space to write. It may not be perfect, but it’s yours and maybe with a little work, we can make it better. If you are lucky enough to have an entire room, desk or space that is untouched (or at least respected) by other members of your household, this will be easier. We will go on that scenario for now and see what can be done to improve it.

Personally, for me, I just might be an oddball in the world of writers in that I am a very strong believer in keeping a neat and orderly desk where I write. That way nothing distracts me from focusing on putting the images in my head on “paper” (so to speak). Too many years of multi-tasking broke me and having that chaos around just bothers me now. But whether you are neat, a slob or somewhere in between, elements of your personality and indeed, your story, are going to creep into your physical world and surroundings.

This is going to be FUN!

I don’t know about you, but whenever I add a new piece to my writing desk in the form of a reference book, a piece to be added to an eventual cosplay costume of one of my book’s characters, or something else that reminds of me what I am writing about, it gets me super-excited and spawns all sorts of new ideas! This has evolved over the years into me gathering items around me that remind me of the world I am creating. I gather inspiration from their presence. If this sounds like an interesting idea to you, you might consider looking for a fresh, new approach to your writing by changing your environment.

Here are some items I’ve gathered over the last couple of years and what they have meant to me and where they fit in with my stories:

Dragonfly’s Blood Bottle – whenever the afternoon sun hits this bottle, the contents shimmer as if by magic.

Hex Fractal Necklace Pendant – a literal key from one of my main character’s pasts, its presence in her life will change her forever.

And a crystal dragonfly suncatcher – dragonflies permeate my story series, so no more be said to understand why it and other representations of dragonflies are here.

And the result is…


But wait, there’s more

And changing your environment to achieve a more inspirational setting in which to write doesn’t have to stop here. Wait, you thought it did? Well, stick around because…

Next Week – Engaging all your senses to create your world.


72nd blog completed (by a guest blogger)

First Steampunk novel:  72,000 words.  Didn’t actually work on it this week.  Life got in the way.

First Steampunk screenplay:  Need to update with notes from the novelization.

Second Steampunk screenplay:  114 pages

Second Steampunk novel: 0 words.

Third Steampunk screenplay:  38 pages

While taking my little break, I did prune my habanero plants.  I’m not into gardening, so if I’m going to grow something, it’s going to be something that can burn your eyes out.

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